This is for English speakers(英語翻訳版)


Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center

where:Genki Field Sendai・in Miyagino Gymnasium

phone:for people who need the help of volunteers


for people who wish to do volunteer work


click here for the map

※Sendai City Disaster Volunteer Center(SCDVC) is different from Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center.(SCTDC)

SCDVC is functioning as an information center.

Sendai City Disaster Volunteer Center

where:Sendai City Welfare Plaza 4th floor

(Fukushi Plaza)

(2-12-2 Itsutsubashi,Aoba-ku,Sendai-shi)




This FAQ below will answer many of your questions about volunteering.

Please have a read.

●Is parking available?

→We have a parking lot. on our premises, but we are afraid it may always be large enough.

Please bear in mind that there may not be parking available when you arrive.

●Where should we go first?

→?If you are a citizen of Sendai,Please go directly to Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center in Miyagino Gymnasium.

?If you live outside Sendai or Miyagi, before volunteering please get insurance (disaster type)at the social welfare center (Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai) in your city.

Chack out the information on the webpage and go to “Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center”

●What are the work hours?


Those who need the help of volunteers can call us until 16:00.

●What kind of work will we do?

→Your work consists of clearing away debris and mud, clearing away debris and mud, clearing houses and helping people move into temporary housing.

You need physical strength to do work such as clearing away debris and mud, but there are some tasks for people who aren’t as strong such as clearing houses.

●What do we need to bring?

→Click here to get information as to what you need to bring for volunteer work.

●How should we ger insurance?

→In order to get insurance, please go to the Social Welfare Concil (Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai) in your city first.

●What accommodations are available?

→More and more hotels in Sendai are reopening.
Please check them out yourself and take this chance to visit Sendai while you are here.

There is no space to put up a tent around Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center.

Please consider spending money for meals and other things in our area in order to help rebuild our economy.

Clothing and gear(服装等)

☆Regarding clothing and gear for volunteer work,

The volunteer work mainly consists of clearing away debris and mud.
We advise you to bring rubber boots (the longer, the better), rubber gloves (the longer and thicker, the better), work goggles and a dust mask for safety and hygienic reasons.

Please bring what you think is necessary to prepare for tough work.

【Attention】Beware Heat Exhaustion !!(熱中症注意)

Volunteers sufering from heat exhaustion have been increasing recently.
Please take care of yourself, nothing the following advice:

●Don’t push yourself hard.
●Sleep well the night before.
●Drink plenty of liquid.
※Preferably, bring sports drinks with you
●Avoid direct sunlight, and wear a hat.
●Don’t wear tight clothing. This will help you lower your body temperature while taking a break.
●Wear a reflective color that won’t absorb heat.

※Bring your health insurance (or a copy)with you in case you need to see a doctor.

Please follow our advice and take care of yourself.
It is you responsibility to take a break and stop working if you are not feeling well.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Sendai City Disaster Volunteer Center


We have two kinds of volunteer centers as follows:

?    Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center

This is a volunteer center for people who wish to do volunteer work and the people who need the help of volunteers. Please refer to us directly.

where:Genki Field Sendai in Miyagino Gymnasium

(4-1-1 Shinden-Higashi, Miyagino-ku, Sendai-shi)

phone: for people who need the help of volunteers


for people who wish to do volunteer work on an invidual basis


other inquiries


when: 1 June 2011〜

(Please refer to our webpage to check out our schedule)

Click here for the map of the area around Sendai City Tsunami Disaster VolunteerCenter

?    Sendai City Volunteer Center (Information Center)

This is a volunteer center for information.

We answer inquiries about everything except for those about volunteer work itself.
We deal with the following:

?    inquiries made by school people, municipality people and journalists

?    inquiries about companies’ social action programs

?    inquiries about donating money and sending relief

?    inquiries about volunteer insurance

?    inquiries about what Social Welfare Concil (Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai)

?    inquiries about volunteer work in general

where: Sendai City Welfare Plaza 4thfloor

(Fukushi Plaza)

(2-12-2 Itsutsubashi, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi)

※If you have any question about volunteer work in Miyagi Prefecture outside Sendai, please call 022-266-3952 (Miyagi Prefecture Social Welfare Council=Miyagi-ken Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai)

Volunteer from outsideSendai and outside Miyagi are now WANTED!!






こちらのカテゴリーの英訳については、学校法人東北外語学園 東北外語観光専門学校さまで教鞭をとられている講師有志のみなさまにご協力いただきました。趣旨に賛同いただき、快諾いただいたこと本当に感謝申し上げます。


